Sound masking is the addition of an unobtrusive background sound, similar to airflow, to reduce the intelligibility of human speech and reduce distractions. The resulting environment leads to greater productivity and increased privacy and comfort.
With the direct field approach to sound masking, the Qt® system uniformly disperses the masking sound into the space and eliminates masking sound overflow into undesired areas. The pre-tuned masking sound is emitted through four sequenced channels that eliminate acoustic interference. Additionally, our Qt® systems deliver more energy in the octave bands that are related to speech, resulting in a more energy efficient system that successfully masks speech at lower volume levels.
The Qt® 100 is ideal for single zone spaces of up to 12,000 square feet (1,115 m2). The Qt 100 is easily controlled from the module’s front panel or Bluetooth connected iOS device, making volume adjustments quick and easy.
The Qt® 300 is ideal for medium multi-zone spaces of up to 36,000 square feet (3,345 m2). The Qt 300's system settings can be controlled via the easy-interface front panel or via any PC, Mac or tablet device using the intuitive Qt™ Monitoring and Control Software.
The Qt® 600 is ideal for large multi-zone spaces of up to 72,000 square feet (6,689 m2). System settings can be easily accessed and controlled via or from any PC, Mac or tablet device using the intuitive Qt™ Monitoring and Control Software.
The Qt® Conference Room system is designed specifically for conference rooms, meeting rooms, and board rooms. This all-in-one solution includes a control module, privacy signs, and emitters. It is ideal for protecting speech privacy with spot treatment.